Kuliah 4 sks.. Tapi si dosen cuma kuliahin qt2 selama 1 jam. Bayangin ajha...!! Kuliah mpe jam setengah 11 tapi dah kelar jam 8.. Ya elah tuh dosen, ngebuat aq ga ada gawe ( lagi ). Anak2 lagi pada kuliah. Jadilah aq berbelok ke warnet dan mulai membuat blog ini, dan mulai nge-post article, dan mulai melakukan hal-hal yang ga penting, sembari nunggu jam4 buat olahraga ma anak2 TaTib.. Mo jalan, ga ada duit euy.. Menyedihkan.. lagi2 gw ga ada gawe..!! Seneng amat yah, ga ada gawe gini.....
This time... I really-really want to meet him..This time...My family is so far away.. What i need to make me calm is talking to him n have a nice time together..But, he couldn't..This time, i feel so far away with him..Every time i call him, he never have a time to talk with me. He's so busy..Because of that, i try to spending my time with my best friends. But, there's no different.. Coz i really2 miss him.. Want to meet him even fot a while..Doesn't he miss me? Why he looks so uncare right n...
Hmmmfh... Finally.. Jadi juga deh blognya.. Lumayan, yang ini ga semua friends aq bisa baca. Cuma yang tau addressnya ajha.. )